Classes, Prices, ZOOM link

Classes, Prices, ZOOM link


The traditional style practiced in Mysore, India. With individualized instruction and adjustments, students achieve a meditative flow at their own pace. Sharing the room with yogis of all levels allows students to give and receive inspiration and energy. Students of all skill levels and experience are welcome. Students may begin their practice in their own time prior to 8am, but must complete it by the scheduled class end time.

Schedule:  Monday-Friday  6:30 – 9 am

Led Primary Series

A flowing presentation of the Full Primary Series. Verbal and physical guidance are offered without interrupting the rhythm of the practice. Newer students often modify postures. Some experience is helpful but not required.

Schedule: Saturday  8 am

Breathing Fundamentals


Start your day with a half hour of Prana! This Zoom only, all levels breathing class will invigorate your senses and wake up your spirit. Stay cozy and comfortable with the camera on or off as you are guided through the experience.

Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday  6 am (Zoom only)

Ashtanga Fundamentals

A guided version of the first half of the Primary Series focusing on the fundamentals. Ideal for beginners or experienced students seeking a more instructional class.

Schedule: TBA



Yoga Therapy Lab 

IMG_0121This class is focused on the therapeutic aspects of yoga asana. Each week a different exploration is featured.  The work may seem subtle, but the effects are profound.  Ideal for students who cannot practice regular Ashtanga yoga or as a therapeutic supplement to an existing practice.

Schedule:  Friday Noon

Led Half-Primary Series

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This class features a flowing, guided experience of the foundations of the Ashtanga practice  featuring about half of the seated asana and includes all of the standing and closing postures.

Schedule:  TBA


Vivian is also available for 60 and 90 minute private lessons.



$1800 Yearly Pass       Annual Club Membership in the morning Mysore program.

$150 Monthly Pass     Payment is due every Month on the 1st or 15th, and is considered to be Club Membership. Extensions by permission only.

$150  10-Class Card     We keep the card, must use within 3 months

$20      Drop-in              Good for any regular class

60/90 min Private Lessons start at $85

We offer custom passes & cards for out of town Yogis.

No partial payments. Please pay in full for cards and passes on the first day of use.

CASH or Checks only, NO credit cards.

